Back from Easter Break, which was the best Easter I've ever had!! I finally got to go to Sicily where my Grandfather is from and learn about some of my heritage.
It started off a little rough--it was my first time flying/traveling by myself, and when I landed in Trapani airport in Sicily, it was a bit of an ordeal figuring out how to meet up with Nonni and Nonno! However,everything worked out and we began our great Easter weekend together! Once we arrived in Balestrate, we walked around the town, and down to _____ for dinner and had the best pizza I've ever had!
On Good Friday, we went to Montelepre for an Easter procession through the streets of the town. People dressed up in costumes portraying scenes from both the Old and New testaments. It was almost a live Stations of the Cross type of event. Some people said they participate as their penance--it was a cold night and many of the participants had minimal clothing! Oh, and before the procession--we had the most AMAZING pasta I've ever had in my life! Fresh pasta noodles and delicious eggplant!

On Saturday, we went to Monreale to the Cathedral. The exterior has been changed throughout time periods, similar to the mosques our class visited while in southern Spain. The interior of the Cathedral was gorgeous! Gold leaf EVERYWHERE! Although the church was beautiful; I think I was almost more amused by the plaza in front of the church. There were two staircases that lead below the plaza to bathrooms we had to pay to use!! There were skylights cut into the patio to allow light into each stall. I found it to be a nice way to add toilets to a public space without obstructing the view! 

Finally, my Easter break ended in Partinico for Easter mass. Partinico is where my Great Grandfather was raised. The church we went to mass at is the church where he and my Great Grandmother were both baptized. Seeing where my family is from was an incredible experience. To make the experience even more worth while, being in Sicily with my grandparents gave me the opportunity for the first time in 22 years that I was one on one with my grandparents!! Along with that came a few experiences that I am their only grandchild who has experienced. Until this trip, I had never heard my grandfather speak in Italian/Sicilian, not even my mom has heard it! It was incredible to see where my family’s roots are and have a connection to a place outside of the U.S.!

On Sunday night, we went down the street to say goodbye to a few of my grandparents friends who own a restaurant down the street from the B&B we stayed at. The family was incredibly nice, and even though I didn’t speak Italian and they didn’t speak English, we found a way to bond, and I certainly miss them!
Monday morning, bright and early, I headed for Milan to spend the day before returning home to Barcelona!